Medical Equipment Program
People with ALS who live in the Greater San Diego community can borrow durable medical equipment (DME) and assistive technology from our organization, subject to availability, at no cost. These items have been generously gifted to our organization to provide free resources for families impacted by ALS.
Equipment Loan Program
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) for people living with ALS can be very expensive, even with insurance. DME includes but is not limited to wheelchairs (manual and electric), transport chairs, hospital beds, canes, walkers, lifts, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. ALS San Diego recognizes the role that DME plays in providing and maintaining the best quality of life at every level of progression. The purpose of this program is to provide those without insurance, those unable to purchase durable medical equipment, or those awaiting the delivery of equipment to borrow equipment at no cost for as long needed. Our equipment is housed at several sites throughout our service area and is loaned at no charge to people living with ALS.
If you are interested in borrowing equipment, please contact our Care Services Director at to check for availability and arrange a time for a consultation and delivery.